깨끗하고 쾌적한 화장실 환경 문화 운동



깨끗하고 쾌적한 화장실 환경 문화 운동


페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 661회 작성일 17-01-23 16:53


북경 공중화장실에 28백만 달러를 과감하게 투자한다
정부는 지방 자치제를 통해 240만엔 (2899만달라) 를 747개의 공중화장실을 수리 할 수있게 투자한다.라고 중화인민공화국 부시장 장마오(zhang mao)가 발표했다.

관광객들이 즐겨찾는 곳에 있는 747개의 공중화장실 들은 올해 초에 개 보수가 시작되어 내년까지 수리가 된다.
북경 매일(beijing qingnian bao)가 보도했다

공사가 끝나면 64개의 공중화장실은 별네개 짜리 수준의 화장실로 그리고 193개는 별 3개짜리 그리고 298개의 화장실은 별 2개짜리 그리고 118호 화장실은 별 1개 짜리의 화장실로 변화될 것이다.

별 4개의 화장실은 무엇인가?

별 4개의 화장실들은 고급스러운 분위기와 비디오 텔레비젼이 설치되어 있고 이시설을 사용한 사람들은 굉장한 만족감과 편안함을 느낄것이다.

화장실안에는 꽃들과 화분들로 꾸며질 것이고 자동물내리는 장치와 전기 손 건조기 종이 타월 들과 음악장치도 설치 될 것이다.

Beijing to pump US$28M into public-restroom upgrades 
(22 March 2001) The municipal government will spend 240 million yuan (US$28.99 million) over the next two years to renovate 747 public restrooms located in 148 tourist attractions around the city, announced Beijing Vice Mayor Zhang Mao.

The plan specifies that 747 restrooms located in areas of interest to tourists will undergo remodeling beginning this year and extend through next year, reports the March 21 Beijing Qingnian Bao (Beijing Youth Daily).

How do you spell relief?

When the upgrades are complete, 64 of these public conveniences will achieve a four-star level of standard, 197 of them will reach three stars, 298 will be rated with two stars and 118 will receive one star. 

What is a four-star restroom?

Four-star public restrooms will provide relief for a vast range of urgent needs. In fact, these luxury facilities may prove difficult to leave. According to the plan, all four-star restrooms must have exercise rooms, videos and televisions. 

They will be decorated with paintings, flowers and potted plants and equipped with water-saving automatic-flush equipment, hand-cleansing basins with both cold and hot running water, electric hand dryers, paper towels and piped-in music.

The two-year plan requires that all 747 restrooms must reach one-star standard or above after the renovation. Beijing’s criteria for rating restrooms at tourist sites stipulates that one-star restrooms must occupy more than 40 square meters (430 square feet), be wheelchair accessible and have special exits for the handicapped.

One-star restrooms must also have floor-to-ceiling tiles, anti-skid and anti-corrosive tiles on the floor, floor drains, hooks for clothing, toilet-paper holders, hand cleanser, electric hand dryers, mirrors, diaper-changing tables and other incidental facilities and services.

In addition to upgrading existing facilities, the municipal government will purchase 70 environment-friendly restrooms and install two mobile restrooms at Tiananmen Square. These additions to the project bring the total investment to 240.51 million yuan (US$29.05 million), the story said.

Tourist attractions are No. 1 priority

The government is proceeding on the principle that public restrooms in major tourist attractions should be given priority. The first phase, to be completed this year, will include the renovation of 346 restrooms?including installing 20 environment-friendly restrooms?which make up 46 percent of the total project. 

If possible, Zhang said, the municipal government hopes to remodel more than 50 percent of all the targeted restrooms during the first phase. If this happens, the first phase will need a total investment of 109.39 million yuan (US$13.21 million). The remaining restrooms will then be upgraded during the second phase, to be undertaken next year, the story said. 


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